Die Arbeitsgruppe Virologie arbeitet mit postitiv-Strang RNA-Viren der Familie Flaviviridae sowie mit Noroviren.
Der Fokus der Forschung liegt dabei auf RNA-Replikation, Virionmorphogenese und Virus-Wirt-Interaktionen.
Fig.: BVDV NS5A-mCherry colocalizes
with Perilipin-GFP at lipid droplet surfaces

Cell Biology
The main focus in cell biology is the understanding of the subcellular structures supporting infection by human pathogenic viruses and of the interplay between the virus and the cell. We study how plus-strand RNA viruses „build a nest“ within the complex cell interior to multiply and how they hijack, reshuffle or create new compartments within the infected cell. The other way around, we investigate how the cell organizes its defense across its compartmentalized interior.

Lehrveranstaltungen in
folgenden Studiengängen:
- Bachelor MLS
- Master MLS
- Master IB
- Master MI
- Master Inf. - AWF Bioinformatik
- Bachelor Biophysik
- Bachelor Med. EW
Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten:

Arbeitsgruppe Zellbiologie

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